Friday, May 2, 2008

Jr. Cotillion

Those of you who know me well know that me and Jr. Cotillion just don't go together. I just don't get into social climbing, hob nobing, etc...what you see is what you get. I am just a real girl kind of person. So imagine my surprise when Megan wanted to do Cotillion. I think the main draw was dressing up and dancing. NONE of her best friends wanted to do it, so I was a little concerned.

But we dove in anyway, and overall, she has had a fun time.

A couple of weeks ago, I realized that we hadn't bought a ball gown for the ball.


So I did what any Mom would do.

I started calling girls in my youth group to borrow a dress. The only problem was nothing was fitting right and everything needed to be taken in, chopped off, or cinched up. And no one wanted me to do any of that to their dress.

A friend of mine made a passing comment about getting her daughters dress at JC Penney, and that it was cheap. After praying a ball gown, Cinderella type prayer, I drove on over there and began my search.

50% off! There was the sign. As I started looking at the dresses, I realized that these were the high school prom cast off dresses. They were shall we say, a little gaudy in color. BUT! For a 13 year old, they were perfect! I dug and dug and kept finding dresses that were $90 and up. I wanted a miracle people! I knew that it was out there.

Then I found it. Hot pink, strapless, very simple, great cut, AND (drum roll please) $40! Thank you God!

But the real miracle was Megan loved it! Thank you God again! And she said "Oh! My black heals will look great with this!" Thank you God again, AGAIN! We don't have to buy shoes!

Then a dear friend of mine offered to alter it for us. Payment? Take her to lunch. Oh, okay I think I could do that.

Isn't God good? He took one panicked Mom, and poured out ball gown blessings on me and my daughter. It was so neat to see how He worked all of it out.

And I got to share a God moment with my daughter about how God cares about everything. We can take any request to Him and he hears our prayers.

I will let you know how it goes Monday night.

Now I just need to order the $24.99 corsage!


Fran said...

Yes ma'am...He is a detail kind of God isn't He??!!

Love it! Now, where is the picture??? :)


Lauren said...

Yes! I want to see a picture of her in this miracle dress!

Jenny said...

Lunch sounds fun! Let's try to plan something!

And..... we all need to see Miss Megan all pretty in pink! Pretty please?!?

Vicki Courtney said...

your family is precious! thanks for your prayers and your son is covered!