Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Megan asks "Mom what are we having for dinner this week?"

"Well, we are having London Broil with Parsley lemon orzo, then roasted turkey tenderloin with new potatoes and tarragon broth and then I thought...."


"yes, Megan..."

"Could we have hamburger helper this week?"



Fran said...

Mine would have said the exact same thing! ;)

Anonymous said...

Well...it won't win any Top Chef contests but it's cheap!

Missy said...

That's so funny! My husband often does the same thing. I plan out our menus and he'll make sure and request tacos or a pizza roll. Love that he is so easy to please!

Lindsee said...

So, when you have hamburger helper can I come over?! :)

Love ya!