Friday, February 29, 2008

Western Day

So Ethan wakes up to remind me that it is Western Day at school. He is all boy and all 8 and likes things to be in order, so he reminds me constantly about everything. He then proceeds to tell me that he will be wearing his basketball clothes to western day.


Not a problem.

Except that his Grandfather owns a boot company and made Ethan a pair of boots to wear to Western Day AND he loves to see pictures of his grandchildren in their boots on Western Day! So, the battle begins...

I don't usually fight him too much about clothing, (except when he doesn't want to wear a coat when it is 30 degrees) but come on! He has a great pearl snap shirt, boots and jeans! What's the problem? He is so afraid that someone will make fun of him in his great ostrich boots. I tell you what, this is too much. A second grader not wanting to wear great boots on western day. All because some kid probably told him that boots aren't cool.

Hello, we live in Texas!

So I did what any self-respecting Mom would do and I used the Grandfather card and got him to wear his boots. We rode to school on our horse (kidding) and I wore my boots too and so did Hubby. We looked fabulous and very Texas and our pictures look great.
We two-stepped with our son and watched him do some kind-of westerny dances to some corny western songs.

Ethan had fun, and there were no tears over boots.

He changed into his tennis shoes after the dance.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Taco Stand

Can I tell you how much I love to cook? Now, there was a time in my 30's that I couldn't stand to cook. But now, I love going to HEB (here everything's better) and finding all the cool food there is in the world and then cookin' it up for the fam. They do enjoy/appreciate it which makes it oh so much easier for me. Anyway, I had the fabulous idea to whip up some food for Brendan to take to Austin. He is playing a show this weekend with his band Zap Em Dead Bartholomew...(don't ask)... and they don't eat well when they are together. I was feeling for them, so I started to cook. 40 breakfast tacos later, I packed everything up and sent it with him. Boy, did they enjoy it! But, my other kids looked at me like sad, starving children because I didn't make enough for them. So its back to the kitchen folks, more breakfast tacos...I think I'll open a taco stand in my driveway. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hamburger Meat

Hamburger Meat? I feel after a weekend youth retreat! Boy, we had fun! But, I feel very 40 after one because of lack of sleep and eating like a 15 year old. I ate so many jelly beans that my tummy feels like a "Jelly belly!" I drank so much coffee that my skin smells like columbian supremo. Not attractive! This was my first retreat with this group of girls. They are the new freshmen and they are great! Very eager to listen, learn, and they get along pretty well. Amazing! Now, there are problems of course but that comes with the package. We did a study on knowing without a doubt, the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again. We ended on Sunday at an actual court room with real lawyers and a judge. Scary, exciting and really cool. The students were called to defend the Christian faith, and they did great. One of my girls was called and she really worked it! Go Sarah! Her parents have done an excellent job with her, teaching her God's word and God has given her a gift of speaking. What a combo. Can't wait to see what God will do with this group and what he will teach me through it all. I got a text from one of my girls that just graduated last year. I had her for all 4 years of high school and she said "have fun this weekend with your new girls!" So sweet, but she about killed me with that one. I miss those girls so much but it is time to move on with another group. Wish me a nap today, I need it!