Sunday, September 21, 2008

After Ike

Things I am thankful for...

The safety of our family, no trees fell on our house!

My younger two slept through Ike.

Not having electricity (lots of fun times around candlelight).

Having electricity! (and water).

Being able to go to Ft. Worth and visit family, including my two 90ish Grandmothers.

Going in to a grocery store and having the means to replace the contents of our refrigerator.

So many things to be thankful for, too many to count. My thoughts continually go to those that are still suffering after Ike. Please pray that God would provide for their needs and for this experience to turn the city to Christ.

School is supposed to start up again on Tuesday. Hope so, the natives are getting restless!


Jenny said...

There were moments when the electricity-less-ness was fun.

And then there were moments when they were NOT fun! :)

Love you dear


Fran said...

I don't think those of us who are far away have really grasped the effects of Ike on TX. I just know that I pray for God's provision every single day. Thats a promise from Him.

Praying for all of you. Praising Him with you!

Michaela said...

HEY! Yay another blogging friend! I only have one. I can't wait to read your blogs! I hope you are doing great.