Sunday, March 30, 2008

Of Bikes and Men

What separates the boys from the men? Or the Mom from the kids?

Sore bottoms.

I bought myself a bike this weekend ladies.

My daughter needed a new bike and so we went to the Wal Mart. On Saturday. At 2:00.

Now if you know me, you know that I hate Wal Mart. I know, that is a strong word, but I love Target, and I just can't do Wally World. I don't like their displays. That is the only way I can explain my disdain for it. There were so many people there. I couldn't believe it. I shouldn't have been shocked, but I was.

So, we had the great idea to buy one bike that she and I could share. Then when we all went biking, she could use her old one. Smart huh? Anyway, when we got to WM, we discovered how cheap the bikes were so we bought 2. That is how it is at WM. You get sucked into all those smiley faces.

The younger two were so excited. I was excited too...can I still ride? Will I keep up? Will they laugh? Will I look cute to my hubby? So off we went behind our neighborhood in the woods, by the creek, over the jumps, you name it. For two hours. It was so much fun.


Sunday morning.


One plus hours.


Sitting in pew.


Does anyone have a pillow?

It hurt so much that I almost stood during the sermon. Our outstanding pastor would have been a little distracted I think.

On the way home, I confided in my kids about my sore bottom. To which my 8 year old responded...."it can't be THAT bad." Such love, such compassion. He suggested that we ride again today, so my bottom could get used to it.

What a great idea.

I think I better lie down and give this bottom a rest.

Blessings -


Jenny said...

Precious Dana!

I am so proud of you for buying a bike. I have not had a bike since I was 12.

My bootie would be paining too!

Lindsee said...

Laughing out loud. I hope your bottom is healing quickly!

I might just go to WM and buy a bike myself. You know how bad I want one...and I am not even joking! :)

Kara Akins said...

Just think how many chairs you could buy at Wal-mart! Soft ones so you could recover from your bike adventure....
I DO shop at Wal-mart but I still haven't bought any extra chairs....One day, Lord willing!

Jodie Wolfe said...

The joys of getting older! :)

My name is Jodie Wolfe. I am in the process of researching for a book I would like to write that addresses ten struggles that Christian women face. I would love to have your input as well. You can respond via email or my blog:

Thank you for any help you can give me. All I need is the list of ten things as well as your age.