Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Here Everythings Better

HEB. Gotta love that store. I have shopped at my dear Kroger for years and love it but don't love their prices. So, I was excited when HEB came to town in all their glitter and glam. I could spend hours in the bread, cheese, produce area. I love having options, and being able to watch people cook new recipes and try them on my family.

Oh, and if you are hungry, you can walk through there and have yourself some lunch.

Which is what happened to me yesterday...I stopped by the Cafe on the Run area and the nice lady was so helpful....200 calories later, I can't even tell you all that I sampled.

It was incredible....but then I found myself buying stuff that I didn't really need. Oh, it will get eaten, I mean we have some eaters over here, but still.

Then I checked out.

I couldn't believe the total. People, the prices have gone up. I mean way up. Has anyone else noticed this? I love to cook, but we might need to go back to Hamburger Helper or something. I am paying for college people!

Maybe its the gas prices, now that I think about it. Or maybe there is lack of rain somewhere. Who knows..

The Moodys are eaten rice and beans next week folks.

I'll file this one under random boring posts.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Thanks for visiting me. And, by the way, I'm not a Wal-mart fan, either, and everybody thinks I'm weird - except you, apparently. :-) Well, probably if you knew me, you would think I'm weird but... oh whatever. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment on BooMama - and wanted to hop over cause we have almost the same name... I am Mamma D... and I have four kids ranging in age from 18 - 7. Weird, huh?

Lindsee Lou said...

I tagged you! Go to my blog to see what's up, friend! :)
